This is Braintree, a payment gateway purchased by Paypal, and unlike the previous one, allows us to use a single payment form to make transactions both with credit card/Visa and Paypal.
The benefits of this new platform will be enjoyed by the end user, who will be able to choose between two different payment methods in a single portal, and will be able to request an invoice for the natural or legal person of this transaction. At the same time, the Finance and Administration Department and the Financial Office and will now be able to manage all these IE transactions in a unified, simpler and more efficient way.
This development has been possible thanks to the collaboration between the Finance and Administration Department and the Financial Office (Gema Palmero and Mónica Aragonés) and our IT Department (Ana Gutiérrez, Daniel González, Francisco Buenestado, Ignacio Correas, Juan Carlos Vega, Raúl Pleite and Sergio Sánchez).