We are seeing how the IE University Campus is expanding and so, before finding a specific location becomes a challenge, we offer you the new Indoor Navigation App.
Thanks to it, you can find out where a specific point on Campus is and how to get there through the fastest route in a detailed way.
This application incorporates the most important data related to the buildings on the Madrid and Segovia Campuses as well as their departments, classrooms, work rooms and other points of interest such as IT help desks.
In terms of geolocation, the app currently only works outside the building. However, we are working on making indoor geolocation available soon.
It is translated into several languages and offers routes adapted for people with disabilities.
We share with you the links to the application, both the general one for all the campuses and for each one of them. You can also access the app at https://blackboard.ie.edu/, https://ieconnects.ie.edu/ and the totems located in the IE Tower. At these totems you can scan the QR code and install the app on your mobile device.
– All campuses: https://iewayfinder.ie.edu/
– IE Tower: https://ietowerwayfinder.ie.edu/
– María de Molina: https://iemmwayfinder.ie.edu/
– Segovia: https://iesegoviawayfinder.ie.edu/
We hope you enjoy the app, and if you have any suggestions, please let us know at https://servicedesk.ie.edu/
This project has been possible thanks to the Facilities and IT Departments, especially, Carolina Sancho y Tania Pozo.