In the last week of November, the first forum for cooperation among CIOs of the main private universities in Spain took place. The aim of this forum is to identify the common problems and solutions that IT teams in Spanish private universities are facing today, in order to find synergies and proposals of interest to all.
This meeting, which was hosted by Carlos Garriga, was held at the IE Tower, and was a great experience for all of them, as they were able to get to know our facilities and enjoy the stunning views of Madrid from the Tower.
The universities included IESE, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE and Universidad Internacional de Catalunya. Other universities were left pending for coming meetings, such as ESADE or CEU.
We hope that this fruitful collaboration will be the first of many!
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Universidad de Deusto
Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Universitat Oberta Cataluña
Universidad Internacional de Catalunya
Universidad Católica de Murcia
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Universidad Loyola
Universidad Europea
Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
IE University
(Pictures by Javier Vallas).